Thursday, May 3, 2012

Great Baby Week!

Another week down, means another week closer to our little guy's arrival! I cannot believe he will be here NEXT MONTH! Adam and I will be parents NEXT MONTH! AHHHH!!! We are just so incredibly excited to meet him.

Last night we had the second half of our Lamaze/natural birthing class with a local doula. Another great session! We continued to work on breathing techniques, labor positions, how long to stay at home before we go to the hospital to help avoid any medical interventions,  and we even practiced different delivery positions. Everything feels so much more real now, but I truly feel confident in my ability to have a positive, natural birthing experience. Adam is a great coach too! He and I have been working on my breathing every day for the past week, and this week we'll start working on breathing in the different laboring positions. We have a birthing ball (just a basic exercise ball) coming in the mail this week which we will try to use through a lot of my labor. Our goal when I begin to go into labor will be to stay at home until my contractions are about 3-4 minutes apart. I hope our little guy cooperates (because you never know what could happen) and that Adam and I have the strength and mindset to get through this labor without any medicine/intervention. At the end of the day, though, the most important thing is that our son is safe and healthy, so we will do whatever is in his best interest.

This week Adam and I also picked our pediatrician, so that is another thing to check off the list. We found a great practice through a referral and we our happy with the doctor. We had a 30 minute meeting with him this week. He's given us our vaccination and appointment schedule for the next three years! I LOVE a planner! His practice is also affiliated with the hospital I'll be delivering at, so one of the doctors will come to the hospital the morning after our son is born for his first check-up which is super awesome. Adam and I have a tour scheduled on Sunday of our hospital's Maternity Center. It has recently been renovated and it supposedly one of the top maternity centers in the DC metro area.

This morning I had my 34 week check-up and everything still looks fantastic. Baby D had a nice strong heartbeat and appears to be head down still. Good boy! My weight gain and blood pressure are great. I go back at 36 weeks and then weekly until Baby D's birth.

I can tell Baby D is starting to run out of room in my belly. The movements really make it look like an alien is going to pop out of my stomach at any minute. No matter how much it keeps me awake or how uncomfortable it can be at times, I wouldn't change anything for the world. I already know I'll miss having him in my belly...NEXT MONTH!!!

34 Weeks!
Seems like there's more baby than mommy these days! :) 

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