Thursday, May 31, 2012

38 Weeks! WOW!

About 14 days to go! I don't even have words to describe how freakishly excited I am right now. Adam and I cannot wait to meet our baby boy. I had a wonderful appointment at the doctor's office today. I have progressed well and am now 3 cm dilated and still 50% effaced. There is really no way of telling when the baby will arrive, but there is a chance he could be here any day with that kind of progress. Then again, he could also be late. Gotta love the guessing game! The midwife I saw today measured my fundal height and was a little concerned I was measuring on the small side so she ordered an ultrasound. The ultrasound came back perfect. Baby D's head is just lodged down so far in my pelvis that it was causing the measurement to be off. It was great to "see" him again and a nice surprise for the morning. He looks very healthy and happy! He was being shy and I didn't get to see his face, but I did see one full head of hair! His weight is estimated right now at about 7 pounds, so if I go full term looks like Adam and I might have an 8 pounder on our hands. I already know he's going to have some very squeezable and kissable cheeks. :) 

Nothing else to report. Adam and I hope our little dude makes his appearance soon. We are totally ready for him. I even have my hospital bags packed and practiced using Sykpe with my mom for the first time this week so my parents will have a way to "meet" their grandson right away since they won't show up until 5-7 days after his arrival (stupid living in Florida).

And now for my weekly picture. I had to put a comparison from 36 weeks since I am wearing the same shirt. I was really flabbergasted by the difference in the photos when I looked this morning. It's unreal. What's even stranger is that my weight is the EXACT same as it was two weeks ago. I guess Baby D is just making his way out and is finding new ways to adjust himself in there.... 

36 weeks

38 weeks! What happened!?

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