Thursday, April 5, 2012

Baby Cooked in 70 Days or Less! WHAT!?!

Holy cow - Baby D is 30 weeks cooked today! That's ridiculous. He's going to enter this world in 10 weeks or less. Adam and I are just in awe of this little dude growing in my belly. 
Baby is doing wonderfully. I had an appointment at the doctor's office this morning and everything seems to be going very well. I received my glucose test results (checking for gestational diabetes), and my numbers were excellent. There is concern for a 131 or above, but I checked in right at 81! My iron levels came back a little low which is common - babies like to steal everything from their mamas! The midwife gave me the name of an over-the-counter iron supplement that I'm going to pick up today to help out. She said that increasing my iron should help some of my fatigue too. Fundal height was measuring right around 29cm which is perfect (he's right on track), and he had a nice, solid heartbeat. We had trouble picking it up for a while because the little guy just wouldn't stay still. In fact, when she was going over my tummy with the Doppler trying to locate his heart, he gave it a nice little kick for the midwife. Right now we think he is laying transverse (sideways), which is perfectly normal. We want him to begin his decent into position within the next month. 

Monday night Adam and I attended a 3 hour infant care class. We learned all about bathing babies, swaddling, etc. It was a really great class and we're super happy we went. In a couple of weeks we begin 5 weeks (1 class a week for 2 hours) of natural birthing/Lamaze classes. This is all becoming so, so real and we couldn't be more excited.

Adam and I get back in two weeks to get our 32 week ultrasound. It will be amazing to be able to see Baby D again! 

30 weeks!!! Little guy isn't so little anymore...

Belly shot! Stretch mark free....keeping fingers and toes crossed
it stays this way! 

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