Thursday, April 12, 2012

Single Digit Countdown!

Um....where on earth did the time go!?! 9 weeks or LESS until our little guy enters the world. Ridiculous. Adam and I are so incredibly excited! 

On Sunday, Adam and I went to Richmond for Easter to spend the holiday with his side of the family. To our surprise when we got to his grandparent's house, his family had put together a sweet little baby shower together for us! My big baby shower is in May, but some of Adam's family won't be able to make it, so they wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to celebrate Baby D. It was the sweetest thing in the world and we received some very thoughtful and adorable gifts.

Not much else to report this week. Next Thursday Adam and I will go to the doctor where we'll get our 32 week ultrasound! Excited to see our little guy again and will definitely share our updates next week. 

31 Weeks! 

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