Thursday, April 19, 2012

Healthy Baby! Happy Mommy and Daddy!

Another successful appointment down! Baby D is 32 weeks cooked today. Adam came to the appointment this morning because we had a sonogram scheduled. Baby D looked PERFECT! Strong heart beat, measuring right on track, and our little man is positioned head down!! Keeping fingers and toes crossed that he gets nice and comfy in that position and doesn't move too much in the next 8 weeks. Baby D seems to take after daddy, though, and was being very shy. He did not want to give us a good look at his face and every time we came close he decided it was better to suck on his hands than show us his face. So, unfortunately, we weren't able to get any pictures. Mommy and baby are super healthy, though, so I won't complain. Right now they are estimating his weight at 4lbs, 4oz. Looks like we might have a little chubby cheeked cutie on our hands.

I still feel spectacular! I am definitely noticing that I am slowing down and sometimes get pretty uncomfortable at night, but I still can't complain that much. Baby D is treating me so well and I'm so thankful for that. Still stretch mark free and my belly button is still in...just a little stretched out and funky looking! 

This picture was taken before a wedding this weekend at 31 1/2 weeks!
Still able to wear high heels!! 

32 weeks! 

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