Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lovin' This Baby!

Another week down! It just amazes me how quickly time is moving by. Our little guy is going to be here before we know it. Baby D seems like he's enjoying every bit of time he has in my tummy. He tends to be the most active first thing in the morning and in the evening time. If it wasn't for the midwife telling me his position last week I would have no clue how he was positioned. I will feel him at the top of my stomach one minute and two seconds later I get a couple jabs in the side. I really wish I could see what he is doing in there. He's so active now that the proud daddy is able to feel him very regularly also. 

Baby D is now approximately 2 1/2 pounds and 15 inches long! I look at my belly and can't fathom how something that big is in there. His weight will triple in the coming weeks. Where's he going to go!?!? :) I still really cannot complain at all about this pregnancy. I feel so great. I expected to have tons of heartburn by this time, but still none. I am so fortunate how well our little dude is treating my body! He's trying to butter me up now so the sleepless nights and exploding diapers won't stress me out once he's here! HA! 

29 Weeks!!

Adam and I still hope to move this summer (meeting with our realtor Saturday and still not exactly sure what part of the DC metro suburbs we'll be living in) and are still on the waiting list at our #1 daycare choice at Adam's office, but we realized we need to take the plunge and register Baby D at our #2 daycare choice. We're doing this tomorrow. Even though there is a chance this won't be the daycare we choose at the end, we are reserving his spot anyway. It is an amazing facility and we don't want to be stuck with no daycare when we need one. It's pretty exciting to know that tomorrow we will have that checked off our list, because ensuring he gets the best care possible is always on my mind and this is an amazing center.

29 weeks down, 11 to go... 

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