Thursday, March 22, 2012

Home Stretch!!!!

I've made it! Today Baby D turned 28 weeks and we've hit the third trimester! I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by. His lungs are now strong enough that if he decides to come early, he has a pretty good chance of breathing on his own without needing medical intervention. Let's hope we don't have to worry about that, though, and he stays in there cooking for another 11-12 weeks.
28 Weeks!!! 

I had my 28 week appointment this morning and as usual, everything was looking great. My weight gain is spot on. I'm pretty happy with it, so I'll even divulge this week. I've gained 15 pounds so far and from what I can tell it's all in my belly. At this rate I should be right at or under 30 pounds weight gain, so I am happy with that. The midwife I saw today did a quick internal exam and she felt the little guy's head and he is head down! This is a great sign because it shows he is getting in the necessary position. I hope he gets nice and comfy there and doesn't move too much! I also had my glucose tolerance test this morning. This test is done to test for gestational diabetes. If my results are abnormal I should hear by Monday. I don't foresee having a problem, but you never know. Now that I've hit the third trimester I will start seeing the doctor every two weeks. In one month we get another sonogram so we can get an idea of the size of Baby D and get a little peek at how he's doing. Adam and I can't wait! 

In the past week, Baby D has really, really made himself known to me. I think he kicks and moves more than he sleeps. I guess he's getting mommy ready for what life's about to be like! I get so much joy just sitting on my couch with my hands on my belly while he has a good ole' time in there. What I love even more is when Adam feels him. It brings me a joy I never knew existed.

I'm so happy...

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