Thursday, March 8, 2012

Double Digit Countdown!!!

It’s been a great week for our little family! We hit a HUGE milestone the other day. We’re down to the double digit countdown. About 98 days until our son enters the world.  Last week, our crib, mattress, (thank you Oma and Opa) and changing table (thanks Great Granny) came in the mail. We’ve only put the changing table together as of now. We’ll get to the crib in the next few weeks. Adam and I realized our child has a nicer mattress than we do. What’s up with that?

I am still feeling spectacular! Belly button in, no sign of stretch marks, no back pain, no heartburn, still feeling good at the gym, still easily rocking my high heels at work, etc. This little dude is treating me so well right now. I’m very thankful for the easy 26 weeks I’ve had so far. Let's hope things continue to progress smoothly.

This week you can compare the size of our baby to a head of lettuce, eggplant, or an English hothouse cucumber – take your pick. He is about 10 to 11 inches in length and weighs close to 2 pounds—give or take. He will soon start to open his eyes and blink, and is hearing sounds more clearly. Baby D is beginning to take tiny breaths in preparation for his birth day.  These tiny lung movements will not move air as of yet, and he takes in all of his oxygen he needs via the umbilical cord and my circulation.

Our little guy is also continuing to pack on body fat which will be essential for temperature and blood sugar regulation after birth.

Here's another comparison shot. It's amazing how much I've grown in just six weeks. I swear I thought I was HUGE at 20 weeks, but now looking back, that looks like one flat tummy compared to what I'm sporting now! 

20 Weeks

26 Weeks! 

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