An old friend of mine just had a precious baby boy about a month ago. She also kept a baby blog that I followed religiously throughout her pregnancy. She had a really neat style that she blogged in, so I'm going to shamelessly steal the format for this week's post. :)
How far along? I am officially considered full-term this week, even though it'll probably be about 3 more weeks until Baby D makes his appearance. I honestly cannot believe I'm already 37 weeks pregnant!
Baby is the size of: Baby is about 6 1/2 lbs and probably around 19 inches. How the heck am I supposed to make room for more baby in the coming weeks!?!
Maternity Clothes? Yup...unless you count Adam's t-shirts that I sport around the house. :)
Stretch Marks? I am still stretch-mark free. Crossing fingers and toes my skin holds out a few more weeks. I'd like to thank my stretch-mark free skin to good lotion and good genes! Thanks mom!
Sleep? I really haven't had any complaints about much during this pregnancy. I've been very, very fortunate. But sleep really has become my worst nightmare. I'm up using the bathroom every 60-90 minutes, I'm so tired at night but get such restless/uncomfortable legs it takes forever to fall asleep, and I'm regularly waking up around 3:30 and just not going back to sleep. A friend of mine said it's just Mother Nature's way of getting me ready for no sleep when Baby D arrives.
Movement? Little guy is snug in my belly, but he's rolling around a lot. He likes to lodge his butt right up in my ribs and I get a huge lump there. It's pretty funny looking.
Cravings? Not so much. I've had a sweet tooth for the majority of this pregnancy. Eating my soy ice cream right now is not so much of a craving as it is my right as a pregnant lady. :)
Gender? It's still a boy....I hope! In just a few weeks we will finally reveal the name of our little dude!
Belly Button In or Out? This thing is in and I can still stick some finger in it! I think I'm going to make it!
What I miss: I really don't miss too much. I've had such an easy pregnancy that I feel silly complaining. I guess what I miss the most is hard, good work-outs. I miss the burn. 45 minutes just going along on the elliptical is not the most fun in the world. I cannot wait to hit the gym hard again post baby. Oh yeah, and I would be remiss not to mention wine. I miss wine.
Symptoms: Besides a big belly? None really. I had one night so far of mild cankles, but that's about it. I definitely am noticing a increase in my Braxton Hicks contractions. I don't mind them, though. It's just my body showing me it is gearing up for go time.
Best moment of the week? Another successful doctor's appointment this morning! Same dilation and effacement as last week, baby is still snug and head down, and I got to hear our little guy's heartbeat again. We also got all of our final baby "stuff" in the mail this week. It's so amazing to see all the stuff we have for our son. He is one lucky little baby! I realized as I was doing laundry yesterday that I may have gone overboard in the amount of receiving blankets/swaddles I've purchased. Oh well! :)
What I am looking forward to: I'm totally looking forward to my labor and delivery. It's going to be such a special experience and I cannot wait for Adam and I to meet the newest addition to our family.
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37 Weeks!! |