Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lovin' This Baby!

Another week down! It just amazes me how quickly time is moving by. Our little guy is going to be here before we know it. Baby D seems like he's enjoying every bit of time he has in my tummy. He tends to be the most active first thing in the morning and in the evening time. If it wasn't for the midwife telling me his position last week I would have no clue how he was positioned. I will feel him at the top of my stomach one minute and two seconds later I get a couple jabs in the side. I really wish I could see what he is doing in there. He's so active now that the proud daddy is able to feel him very regularly also. 

Baby D is now approximately 2 1/2 pounds and 15 inches long! I look at my belly and can't fathom how something that big is in there. His weight will triple in the coming weeks. Where's he going to go!?!? :) I still really cannot complain at all about this pregnancy. I feel so great. I expected to have tons of heartburn by this time, but still none. I am so fortunate how well our little dude is treating my body! He's trying to butter me up now so the sleepless nights and exploding diapers won't stress me out once he's here! HA! 

29 Weeks!!

Adam and I still hope to move this summer (meeting with our realtor Saturday and still not exactly sure what part of the DC metro suburbs we'll be living in) and are still on the waiting list at our #1 daycare choice at Adam's office, but we realized we need to take the plunge and register Baby D at our #2 daycare choice. We're doing this tomorrow. Even though there is a chance this won't be the daycare we choose at the end, we are reserving his spot anyway. It is an amazing facility and we don't want to be stuck with no daycare when we need one. It's pretty exciting to know that tomorrow we will have that checked off our list, because ensuring he gets the best care possible is always on my mind and this is an amazing center.

29 weeks down, 11 to go... 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Home Stretch!!!!

I've made it! Today Baby D turned 28 weeks and we've hit the third trimester! I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by. His lungs are now strong enough that if he decides to come early, he has a pretty good chance of breathing on his own without needing medical intervention. Let's hope we don't have to worry about that, though, and he stays in there cooking for another 11-12 weeks.
28 Weeks!!! 

I had my 28 week appointment this morning and as usual, everything was looking great. My weight gain is spot on. I'm pretty happy with it, so I'll even divulge this week. I've gained 15 pounds so far and from what I can tell it's all in my belly. At this rate I should be right at or under 30 pounds weight gain, so I am happy with that. The midwife I saw today did a quick internal exam and she felt the little guy's head and he is head down! This is a great sign because it shows he is getting in the necessary position. I hope he gets nice and comfy there and doesn't move too much! I also had my glucose tolerance test this morning. This test is done to test for gestational diabetes. If my results are abnormal I should hear by Monday. I don't foresee having a problem, but you never know. Now that I've hit the third trimester I will start seeing the doctor every two weeks. In one month we get another sonogram so we can get an idea of the size of Baby D and get a little peek at how he's doing. Adam and I can't wait! 

In the past week, Baby D has really, really made himself known to me. I think he kicks and moves more than he sleeps. I guess he's getting mommy ready for what life's about to be like! I get so much joy just sitting on my couch with my hands on my belly while he has a good ole' time in there. What I love even more is when Adam feels him. It brings me a joy I never knew existed.

I'm so happy...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

1 Week Until the 3rd Trimester!

Not much to report this week. Had another great week of pregnancy! Our little guy has been very active this week and I was even able to capture on video my belly popping up and down. I love when I see my belly move!

Just a couple pictures this week. Next week I hit my 3rd trimester and have my 28 week doctor's appointment, so I'll have a lot more to update on next week! |

27 weeks down, 13 to go! 

On my way to the gym - 27 weeks cooked!! 

We put the crib and changing table together this week!! 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Double Digit Countdown!!!

It’s been a great week for our little family! We hit a HUGE milestone the other day. We’re down to the double digit countdown. About 98 days until our son enters the world.  Last week, our crib, mattress, (thank you Oma and Opa) and changing table (thanks Great Granny) came in the mail. We’ve only put the changing table together as of now. We’ll get to the crib in the next few weeks. Adam and I realized our child has a nicer mattress than we do. What’s up with that?

I am still feeling spectacular! Belly button in, no sign of stretch marks, no back pain, no heartburn, still feeling good at the gym, still easily rocking my high heels at work, etc. This little dude is treating me so well right now. I’m very thankful for the easy 26 weeks I’ve had so far. Let's hope things continue to progress smoothly.

This week you can compare the size of our baby to a head of lettuce, eggplant, or an English hothouse cucumber – take your pick. He is about 10 to 11 inches in length and weighs close to 2 pounds—give or take. He will soon start to open his eyes and blink, and is hearing sounds more clearly. Baby D is beginning to take tiny breaths in preparation for his birth day.  These tiny lung movements will not move air as of yet, and he takes in all of his oxygen he needs via the umbilical cord and my circulation.

Our little guy is also continuing to pack on body fat which will be essential for temperature and blood sugar regulation after birth.

Here's another comparison shot. It's amazing how much I've grown in just six weeks. I swear I thought I was HUGE at 20 weeks, but now looking back, that looks like one flat tummy compared to what I'm sporting now! 

20 Weeks

26 Weeks! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Pinch Me! I MUST Be Dreaming!

25 weeks down, 15 or so to go! WOW! For next week's blog post, Adam and I will have less than 100 days to go until Baby D makes his appearance into the world!

This was a week full of ups and downs for our little family, but thankfully it has ended on a huge up! As a defense contractor for the Army, my job tends to be on the line more than I would like. At 2:30 on Tuesday afternoon, me and 7 of my colleagues were told our company lost the contract we all worked on and Wednesday would be our last day at work. Of course the first thing that came to mind was providing for Baby D and how losing half of our family income would effect us. Adam and I would have been okay (and he was so awesome and supportive through all of this), but it would have been tough. Needless to say, packing up my cubicle yesterday in the Pentagon was tough. I was 6+ months pregnant and unemployed. Towards the end of the day, at the last minute, I was given the opportunity to talk to the CEO of the new company that won the contract that I had been working on. There is no hiding this pregnancy anymore, so that was making me nervous about meeting with him. A pregnant lady tends not to be the number one choice for a job. This guy was so kind and so excited about my pregnancy, so I left our meeting feeling good about it. I was worried if I was offered my old job with this new company, though, I would be low-balled on my salary because of the size of the new company and some other factors that I won't bore you with. I went home with all my belongings packed assuming I would be taking on my role as a stay-at-home-mom in a few months (which actually was starting to sound pretty darn awesome). Well, those thoughts were quickly put on hold. The CEO of the new company called me last night, offered me my old job back with his company, WITH a raise! Still waiting on all the official documentation, but I should be back at my same job in the Pentagon next week (knock on wood). This job will be part of a multi-year contract, so I'm feeling pretty satisfied this morning. Until then, I'm enjoying my few days of unemployment by sitting on the couch and catching up on daytime television.

Not to sound too sappy, but I cannot believe the fortune in my life right now. My husband and I are gainfully employed and know we will be able to provide our son with everything he needs, I have (well, will have again) a job that I love, I absolutely love and adore my amazing husband, and I am so incredibly in love with the little guy in my belly. I feel like some days I need to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.

25 weeks in my work out gear pre-gym. Keeping the little dude and me
nice and healthy! 

Our AMAZING new pac n' play from Great Grandpa Feaster and Kim.
This will be perfect for all of our trips to visit family with Baby D so he has a
nice, fancy place to sleep.  THANK YOU!!!!! This is one lucky kiddo!