Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kicks, Symptoms, and Names!

As I mentioned after my anatomy scan a couple weeks ago, I have an anterior placenta. It is acting as a pillow between the baby and my stomach so I've been having trouble feeling him move around up to this point. Well, I can definitively say that I am finally feeling the little guy. It's still not tons, but I am regularly feeling little movements in my belly now (mainly in the mornings ) and yesterday I got a couple quick punches and a kick to the stomach. It was without a doubt the most thrilling punch/kick combo I've ever received. Most of the time it just feels like little bubbles or a fish swimming around in my stomach. Hopefully the little guy will keep it up, because it's so nice to know he's happy and moving about in there.

Still feeling great! Heartburn and backache free, no swelling yet, rings still fitting, and still able to rock the high heels at work. This week I was told by a colleague that I was the most stylish pregnant woman she's ever known. I hope to keep that title until the end. :) My motto is, pregnancy does not equal frumpiness.

My baby books and websites tell me I should expect my belly button to be popping out soon, but thankfully no sign of that yet. I've always had a nice deep belly button, so hopefully the inevitable "outie" will stay away for a couple more months.

Adam and I are finally narrowing down our name choices for our son. Adam won't admit it yet, but I think we found our winner. 
Stay tuned... :) 

22 weeks down, 18 to go. 

22 Weeks! This little guy is clearly getting bigger! 

Adorable gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Donat! THANK YOU! 

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