Thursday, February 2, 2012

Baby's First Baseball Glove

It's hard to say one week is more important than another during pregnancy, but it seems now that every week really does seem so much more significant than the last. Every week down, means another week closer to the birth of our handsome (yes, he will be handsome) baby boy.

How quickly our little guy is developing is amazing. At 21 weeks, our son is the size of a banana! Based on the ultrasound last week, though, he is probably a HUGE banana! Expanding from last week, Baby D is now able to taste the food I eat because he is swallowing amniotic fluid each day (for nutrition, hydration, and to practice digesting). It's likely that he may develop a taste for the foods I'm eating now later in life. We could have the first toddler that LOVES tofu. I have been keeping the tofu industry in business during this pregnancy...

Because of my anterior placenta I'm still not feeling our little guy move much. Sometimes at night I get a few weird feelings here and there. I'm pretty sure it's him, but it just hasn't been consistent enough for me to say. Luckily at the ultrasound last week Adam and I saw him wiggling like crazy so I'm not concerned.

I continue to be pretty symptom-free. Besides a little acne high school style here and there I still feel great -  no backaches, no heartburn, pretty high energy, etc.  Oh, and if you're wondering about weight gain.... well, there will be no more discussion of exact numbers on this blog. :) I'm gaining exactly as I should and believe that if I continue to eat and work out the way I am, I will gain the exact recommended weight during this pregnancy....hopefully on the lower end of the spectrum. Luckily all the weight seems to be going to my belly and not my thighs! I have confidence that my body will do what it needs to do for this baby and it will gain the weight it needs to gain. The treadmill and stairstepper will take care of any excess weight gain post baby (if I continue to do this right, hopefully there won't be too much excess).

Oh, on a side note, my parents have finally picked their grandparent names!! After much coaxing from my sister and me, they will be known as Oma and Opa! After spending much of my formidable youth living overseas in Germany, these names definitely fit the family and they make my sister and me super happy.

Opa actually sent Baby D his first Hot Wheels (which he will not be getting until he is 3) and his very first baseball glove! Adam and I are so excited for when we can play catch with him in the backyard and take him to a Nationals game to catch a fly ball.

21 Weeks! Holy Belly Batman!! 

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