Thursday, February 16, 2012

I've Got a Secret!

Another week down, means another week closer to finally meeting our little guy!  He is really making himself known to his mommy this week. I’m feeling him move around more and more. The only problem is, his favorite time to dance is between the hours of midnight and 4:00am! The movements haven’t been waking me up, but when I wake up for my nightly bathroom breaks (yes, breaks, not break), he decides it’s time to wake up too. I just lay in my bed upwards of an hour feeling him move around. I may be tired in the morning, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I absolutely LOVE feeling every single movement. I guess he’s getting me used to what my nights are going to be like come June. Because he is getting stronger, I think Adam will finally be able to feel him.

This past weekend I was staring at my growing belly in the mirror and noticed the faintest of lines from my belly button (yes, it's still an innie) to my pubic area. I made Adam look to make sure I wasn't imagining it, but I have the beginnings of my linea nigra:

Your baby is completely cozy and content inside your belly, but there's some wacky stuff going on outside. One especially noticeable oddity is that dark line running down the center of your tummy, from just under your belly button to your pubic area. This linea nigra — literally, the "dark line" — is likely to be more pronounced if you have darker skin, but never fear: It fades a few months after your baby is born.

This week I came down with quite the nasty head cold. I've never been one for taking a lot of medicine, but boy, what I would have given for some NyQuil this week. Thankfully I made it through medicine-free and know I’ll be back to 100% by the weekend.

Adam and I had the greatest day this week because we have finally agreed on what to name our little man. Adam surprised me with his commitment to one of our name choices on Valentine’s Day. We’re going to keep it a secret between just the three of us for a few weeks, but then my big mouth will probably start telling our families. I think we’re going to keep it a blog and Facebook secret up until the birth, though. Ha – I’m such a tease!

Wednesday is my next doctor’s appointment. Just a basic vitals and weight check, but I love every appointment because it just gives me the chance to hear his awesome little heartbeat again.

Until next week…

23 Weeks - little man is taking over!
So, I have to show the below picture too because the difference of just two weeks is absolutely amazing to me! 

This was just two weeks ago!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Huge difference in 2 weeks! Even though I'm dying to know the little guy's name, I do think it's sweet that you're keeping it to yourselves. My mom and dad kept their pregnancies secret for 6 months. My mom told me it was so special to have that beautiful secret just for the 2 of them. Xo!
