Friday, October 28, 2011

7 Weeks, 1 Day Cooked

Today could have been one of the most amazing days of my life.  Adam and I went in for our first ultrasound and it was FANTASTIC! Right away we could see Baby D and the heartbeat was located immediately. The heartbeat was fast and strong and measured at 151. Not gonna lie - the tears started coming as soon as I heard that noise. Most beautiful sound I've ever heard. The baby was measured at 7 weeks, 1 day old. This is two days older than Adam and I had estimated, so our new due date is 14 June 2012. The doctor said everything looked great. I will go to the doctor every month for the next few months. After that we will move to once every two weeks, and then in the final countdown we'll move to once a week. I don't think we'll get other ultrasound until the 20 week mark at which point we will be able to find out the gender.

The doctor told me to continue my workouts, but just keep an eye on my heart rate, and she said I should probably think about taking spin class out of my weekly schedule. That will be a tough rule to follow, but I'm going to do whatever it takes for this little gummy bear. She said I should be gaining about half a pound a week right now, but once we move into the second trimester, it'll amp up to about a pound a week.

My next appointment is on 2 December, but that will mainly be to measure my belly and take my vitals.

Below is the first picture of Baby D. You'll quickly learn why Adam and I are  calling him/her a gummy bear! (The top of the image shows Baby D's head and the black shading on the top is the brain - looks pretty big to me!!!)

Baby D's First Picture


  1. Look at Baby D! So happy everything is going so smoothly!

  2. Wonderful news! Baby D does look like a little gummybear :)

  3. AWWWWWWWWWWWW I AM SOOO SUPER EXCITED!!!!! Baby D does indeed look like a little gummybear!!!! You should consider writing, you write about this experience so well. Happy for you and Adam!
