Monday, November 28, 2011

199 Days to Go

Can you believe it!? Less than 200 days left to go in my pregnancy. I will be 12 weeks pregnant on Thursday. It's amazing to know I am already a 1/4 of the way through.

I had a perfect appointment today. I saw a midwife instead of my doctor because the office was so busy. She was fantastic! I'm probably just saying that because she said if I was going to be graded on my pregnancy so far I would receive an A+! She started the appointment by going over all of my blood work from my previous appointment. All my levels came back great and most importantly my iron levels were perfect. It's not unheard of for vegans/vegetarians to have low iron levels and be anemic, but mine were right where they needed to be. She said it seems like I'm doing everything right with my diet and to keep up the good work. I've only put on 1/2 a pound since my last appointment, but she didn't seem concerned with that. When you're active and eating well, it's okay not to put too much weight on during the first trimester.

Next was my favorite part of the appointment and I've been giddy ever since. With a small handheld Doppler machine I was able to hear Baby D's heartbeat again! No pictures, but I got to hear the heart, and boy did it sound good. Just writing about it brings tears to my eyes. I have had such a seamless pregnancy so far that I often wonder if there is actually a little person growing inside of me. Hearing that beautiful sound was so reassuring.

My next appointment is on 28 December. It will be a basic exam where my vitals are taken and I will be able to hear Baby D's heartbeat again. Also, the midwife told me that because of my size we should be able to schedule our gender scan a week early (at 19 weeks)! When I see my doctor next month (at 16 weeks), she'll make the final determination on when to schedule the scan. It's so exciting to know that in possibly less than 2 months Adam and I will know if we're going to have a baby girl or baby boy.

Not a day has gone by since my positive pregnancy test where I haven't felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Thus far, I have had an incredibly happy, and healthy pregnancy. I feel great, my baby is thriving, and I am married to a man that will be the perfect father. Life is good... 

1 comment:

  1. That's so wonderful! You deserve all the happiness you can get! I'm loving your blog!
