Thursday, August 23, 2012

Numbered Days...

Monday, August 27th...oy. That day is right around the corner and it makes my heart hurt. I'll be headed back to work and Carson will go to daycare. I am so fortunate that I was able to spend 12 weeks with him which is much more than many mommies get, but these 12 weeks went by way too quickly. I'll only be at work for three days next week, because on Thursday we're headed to Florida for a few days, but I know those three days will probably be three of the hardest days of my life. I get so much comfort knowing Adam will be so close, but it will still be hard. As hard as it will be to send him to daycare, I still know Adam and I are making the best decision for him. He will be at an amazing facility with great teachers and since Adam and I will both be working, we will be able to give Carson everything he needs now and in the future and that's a really special feeling. I know for a fact he's going to get sick and tired of the constant kisses and hugs he'll be getting every night/all night when I get home from work.  :)
This is where Carson has been napping all week

Carson had a doctor's appointment yesterday and boy, oh boy...he is one big baby! At 11 1/2 weeks old Carson weighed in at 14.4 lbs and 25 1/4 inches. He has more than doubled his weight since birth and has grown 4 1/2 inches. The doctor said he's definitely a big boy, but that his proportions are great and is happy that he's such a great eater. The first couple weeks of breastfeeding were so exhausting both physically and emotionally, but I stuck with it, and I'm so happy to now be part of a breastfeeding success story! I look forward to continuing to breastfeed for at least the next nine months.

Carson has a great trip to Waynesboro and Richmond the other weekend, and now he's gearing up for his first flight next week. Thursday, our little family will head to Florida for about five days to visit with Oma and Opa and the rest of my family. Oma and Opa haven't seen Carson for about 9 weeks! I'm so excited for them to see how much he's grown and changed, and I'm super excited to introduce him to his great grandparents and all his aunts and uncles.

Carson has become quite the sleeper the last few weeks! We have our nightly routine that we start around 815. Adam gets Carson all cozy in his pjs and sleep sack, then with the lights dim and the Baby Einstein lullabyes on, I rock and nurse Carson to sleep (We give him a bath every other night). Without fail, he is asleep between 900 and 915. He has been sleeping a solid eight hours every night now (Last night he slept 9 hours!!). I'm so happy he's sleeping through the night. It will make going back to work next week much easier.

Carson continues to amaze me every day with his development. It's such a spectacular thing to watch him grow and change. He makes me happier than I ever knew possible. He's smiling every day, having "conversations" with us all the time, and has even already rolled over twice!! I'm anxiously waiting for the first giggles!

Carson had a practice half day at daycare. This is what he wore. :) 

Carson looking at his Grandpa make shadow puppets

Carson loved roadtrippin'!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

They Grow Up So Fast

I honestly cannot believe it. Carson turned two months old on Friday. Where has the time gone!? He has grown and changed so much in a short amount of time. Carson continues to develop and form an awesome little personality before our very eyes. The changes I see on a daily basis continue to amaze me. 

Carson and I finally have a bit of a schedule down during the week while Adam's at work. Normally he's up and ready to go by 6am (even though the last two nights he has woken up at 5am, but that's okay because he slept for 8 hours before waking up!!!). After a little nursing session I put him in his outfit for the day (this outfit is normally just one of many since he tends to mess himself a few times a day). Once he's all changed we hang out with Daddy in the kitchen while he's eating breakfast. Once Daddy leaves for work Carson and I head down to the basement for another short nursing session. After that Carson has some tummy time and play time on his mat. He then takes a short cat nap. I use that opportunity for my breakfast. Around 9 or so, he's hungry again and nurses for quite some time. After this nursing session he goes down for his one long nap of the day. Normally between 930 and 1000 he will go down for a nap in his bouncy chair for 90 - 120 minutes. I use this time to do laundry, dishes, go for a run on the treadmill, and shower. These are my most productive two hours of the day. After his nap he's pretty hungry again, so he eats, we play, and then goes down for another cat nap which is perfect for me to grab a quick lunch. The rest of the afternoon is spent nursing, cuddling, and playing. By 3 or 4 pm Carson is pretty much done with naps and only wants to be held and walked around the house the rest of the night. Carson rarely likes to sit still when he's awake. He prefers to be walked around the house so he can look at things on the walls or look out the window. We can normally coax him into his bouncy chair while we eat dinner, though, which is nice. After dinner, if it's not too hot, we like to go on a family walk. Around 800pm, the bedtime process begins. It starts with bath time followed by putting him in his pjs and sleep sack. After that I get the lights nice and low in his nursery, turn on the Baby Einstein music, and nurse/rock him to sleep. He is normally asleep in my arms (or almost asleep) by 915 and I put him down in his crib. Hopefully this 8 hour a night thing we've experienced the last couple of nights will continue and I can also learn to sleep those 8 hours without checking on him constantly....

Carson and I only have three weeks left together until I head back to work. The thought of it brings tears to my eyes, but I feel a little better because we got word last week that a spot for Carson finally opened up at the daycare at the FDA. This means Adam will be minutes away from him every day and that gives me so much comfort. I know those first few days I'm back at work I will be sending Adam to the daycare at lunchtime for a quick Carson check. I plan to soak up as many snuggles as I can the next few weeks. I have a feeling all the daytime naps will be taken on my chest instead of the bouncy chair from this point forward. :)

Next weekend we're taking Carson on his first long road trip. We'll head down to visit Adam's parents and sister in Waynesboro, VA and then on Sunday detour down to Richmond to visit Adam's grandparents. Should be a fun trip. Hopefully Carson thinks 3 hours in the car is a good time to nap....

2 Months Old!!

Daddy snuggles


Mommy got a new hair do!