Friday, June 15, 2012

Life With A New Baby

Our first family photo

It's hard to believe Carson is already 12 days old. The last couple weeks have definitely been a bit of a blur and whirlwind. Anyone that tells you it's easy bringing a baby home is lying! The last 12 days have been truly the most challenging of my life. At the same time, they have also been the most rewarding. In my 3am daze every night, changing a screaming baby's diaper and having him latch on to an extremely sore nipple is very hard... But when we both settle down and I stare at his little face and feel a happiness I never knew possible. I am in such awe that someone so amazing was created by Adam and me. There really is no other word than "miracle" to describe him. 

Carson's had an exciting 12 days. He's met his Grandma and Grandpa (Adam's parents) and he's met his Oma and Opa (my parents). Opa stayed a few days and Oma will be here for a total of two weeks. I was convinced during my pregnancy that I would only need my mother here for a few days, but I have never been more wrong about anything in my entire life. She has cooked Adam and me dinner, held Carson so I could shower, helped me soothe him at 1 in the morning when nothing I could do for him would, and has literally even helped Carson latch on to my breast. I'm already a little nervous about when she leaves, but I know our little family will get into our own rhythm soon. I'm just VERY thankful to have my mother's help right now.

It's awesome to see in just 12 days the changes in Carson. He becomes more alert every day. He follows toys with his head and eyes, he is focusing better, he can actually find his hands to suck on purpose, and he already seems to be getting great neck strength/control for such a little baby. When he's calm he already likes tummy time and even though it takes a couple tries, he's been able to move his head from facing one direction to the other. It's amazing watching him discover all these new things. I'm so excited for the months to come. I'm sure I'm biased, but I'm pretty sure Carson is the smartest and strongest newborn ever.

It's been almost 2 weeks postpartum and I have thankfully already dropped 20 pounds! Breast feeding is helping the weight melt off. Only 10 more to go to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I still have to wait 4 more weeks to start working out (Ahhh...this is KILLING me, especially since I was working out up until a day before Carson was born), but I did start with some short walks this week that I'll increase in length and intensity next week. The more I think about how short and awesome my labor was the more sure I am that it was because I stayed so active during my pregnancy. In my 38+ weeks of pregnancy, not a week went by where I didn't work out 3-5 times a week. I'm really happy I was able to keep that up!

I don't think I will ever be able to express in words how in love I am with our new little man. Sometimes I stare at him and tears come to my eyes. He really is perfect. 

I'm in love....

MMMMM....Mama's Milk....

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