Thursday, December 29, 2011


Wow - so much to write about today I don't even know where to begin. I guess I have to start with the huge milestone that Baby D hit today. Baby D is now 16 weeks old!! Can you believe it!?! And s/he had a wonderful check-up today. The doctor found the heartbeat quickly and it was beating loud, strong, and fast at 155 beats per minute. As usual, the beautiful sound brought tears to my eyes. What made today's appointment even more special than usual was that my mom came along. My parents have been in town for the holidays, so it was really special being able to share the magical sound of the heartbeat with her. I also finally put some weight on. Since my first appointment two months ago I've put on 2 1/2 pounds! 

So many amazing things are happening to the baby now as s/he develops. The baby is now about the size of an avocado! Adam and I have to start watching what we say because amazingly Baby D is now able to pick up the sound of our voices! I also need to quit poking my stomach so much, because I guess now the baby can feel it and it causes him/her to squirm. :) I should start to feel the first movements from Baby D in the next few weeks.

Another amazing thing that has happened in the past week is the growth of my baby bump! It seems to be getting bigger every day, and I'm finally starting to look pregnant instead of like I ate too many tacos. Also, I know it's not tacos because of how hard the bump is. Adam and I can't stop touching it!

On January 25th at 8am, Adam and I will FINALLY be finding out the gender of our precious child. Less than a month! Time to start taking bets - boy or girl?

Baby D had a great first Christmas, so I have to show off some of the presents from our amazing families! And yes, I'm also going to show pictures of "the bump" taken first thing this morning. Please notice how I said "first thing this morning" when you see my outfit choice. I think I'm at the point where I should start having Adam take nice, weekly belly progression photos. We'll start those next week now that I actually have a bump to show off.

Christmas present from GG (Great Grandma), Aunt Holly, and Aunt Katherine

Video camera from Great Grandpa George, Diaper Bag from GG, and book from Grandma and Grandpa Donat

I've officially "popped" at 16 weeks cooked!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Beer Gut or Baby Bump?

Well, something seriously happened over night. Generally by morning I have just a small pooch, but I think I actually have some semblance of a baby bump finally!!! I still think it looks like a gut, but Adam's promising me it doesn't. He's such a good husband. :)

What do you think it looks like? Beer gut or baby bump? (Oh, just so there's not any confusion, I am not actually drinking beer...)

This is at 14 weeks, 2 days. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's Official!

There is a lot of debate as to whether the second trimester begins at the start of the 13th week or 14th week. Regardless, everyone will  now agree that I have finally made it to the second trimester!! Baby D officially turned 14 weeks old today! Less than 6 months to go until this precious child enters the world. I made it through the first trimester without throwing up once! I really felt great and only experienced a few symptoms. I was definitely one of the lucky ones. 

Baby D is already the size of a lemon and is busy sucking his/her thumbs, wiggling all wee little toes, and has even started making urine. Okay, that urine part isn't necessarily adorable, but totally amazing. 

I still feel great. I am still able to exercise regularly and have pretty high energy for the most part. I do find myself getting a little more tired at night than I used to, and I'm not ashamed to say that 8:30pm has become a fairly regular bedtime for me. I weighed myself at the gym yesterday and I still haven't put on weight since my first doctor's appointment. Weight gain really varies in pregnancies, so I don't think it's anything to be concerned about yet. I'll see my doctor in less than two weeks and I'll ask her about it. The major weight gain comes in the second trimester, so I'm sure I'll have some weight gain to share sooner rather than later.  I am definitely noticing a bit of a pooch in my stomach that gets progressively larger throughout the day. My jeans are still fitting...albeit tightly, but I still don't have the belly for maternity clothes yet. If I'm feeling brave this weekend, I might update with a new baby bump photo. Be prepared, the bump looks more like a beer gut. 

Instead of exchanging Christmas gifts this year, Adam and I decided to invest in a glider that we will be able to use with Baby D. We found what we liked at Babies-R-Us, but ended up purchasing through Amazon. It finally showed up today. I think we'll go ahead and put it together this weekend so we can break it in for Baby D. 

Baby bump photos coming soon....