Saturday, November 3, 2012

5 Months!!

I know I say this every month, but it really is hard to believe how fast our little dude is growing up! Carson is 5 months old today. October was quite the eventful month for us.  It started out with an awesome visit from Grandma and Grandpa Donat, followed by a quick two day visit by Opa (he was here on business and stayed with us), Carson weathered his first hurricane, and we capped the month off with Carson’s first Halloween! 
We had a great visit with Adam’s parents. We took Carson on the Metro for the first time and went into the city to walk around the National Mall. Carson LOVED the Metro. He just wanted to sit on my lap and look at all the awesome things taking place around him. Grandma and Grandpa were also kind enough to babysit one night so Adam and I could go out to dinner. 
We also dealt with Hurricane Sandy this month. The federal government shut down for a couple days because of the storm. I was so worried we would lose power, but the DC area was spared with there was very minimal impact. We were extremely fortunate. My biggest concern was power loss because our deep freeze in the basement stores loads of frozen breast milk. I was so worried that we would lose it all. During our hurricane weekend, our little family also celebrated my birthday. Daddy and Carson spoiled mommy this year with flowers, a vegan chocolate cake from Stinky Fingers (most amazing vegan bakery EVER), and a BEAUTIFUL necklace from Tiffany & Co. 
We ended the month with Halloween. Carson dressed up as a ferociously precious lion. His daycare held two Halloween parades with all the kids. Adam was able to go to both and I was able to attend the afternoon one. It really was adorable to see all the babies in their costumes. Carson couldn’t even keep his eyes open that night he was so exhausted. 
Carson also had his 4 ½ month pediatrician appointment this month. Little guy is growing like a weed! He gained ANOTHER pound and weighed in at 16lbs, 13oz! He is one big boy! The doctor was very happy with his growth. Carson is still solely on breast milk. It’s so neat to see how he is flourishing so well and to know all of his nutrients are coming from mommy. I can’t even describe how awesome that feels as a mother. He does seem to be getting hungrier, though, so I think in the next couple of weeks we are going to introduce solids. I was hoping to wait until 6 months, but I think 5 ½ will suffice. Boy’s gotta eat! I’m sure I will have some fun stories and pictures of eating adventures next month. 
Carson’s personality has really started to develop in the last month. He is almost always happy as a clam, he loves making raspberry noises at all times of the day, and his new favorite game is peek-a-boo! We also finally started getting baby giggles out of him this past month. He continues to be a rolling machine and is easily rolling from both front-to-back and back-to-front now.  Everything he touches goes straight to his mouth. He loves looking at the pictures when we read him books now, and he looooves playing in both his jumperoo and his new bumper jumper (a little jumper than hangs from the door frame).  Reaching for his feet has become one of his newest obsessions. I think his little tootsies will soon be in that mouth of his! 
We are all really looking forward to November. Oma and Opa will be out here next weekend and then we will head to Richmond for Thanksgiving to celebrate with Adam’s side of the family. It’s always special when the great-grandparents get a chance to see Carson. 
Happy Autumn! 

Carson loves sitting in his high chair while Mommy and Daddy eat! 

Carson learned how to feed himself his bottle at daycare with the help of his
toy giraffe!

Carson's new Jeep! Honk honk!!! 

Someone's gonna be trouble!!!! 

Hurricane? What hurricane? 

Our little lion. 

Someone is over this parade....

Lovin' his tootsies!!!