Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My Little Chunker

Our little family has been super busy lately. We have had visitors the last few weekends and have been continuing to get our new house in order. It's all been great fun, though!

Carson is changing daily. I'm in awe every day of his developments. We are finally getting the most adorable smiles and they melt my heart every time. He is also so alert now and loves being held and walked around so he can see everything. He loves looking outside the best. I think we're going to have a little outdoorsman on our hands! He is still a pro at breastfeeding and is packing on the pounds. This morning I could hardly snap his 0-3 month size onesie, so our little man upgraded to the 3 month onesies at only 7 1/2 weeks old! My dad says Carson is his little third baseman, but Adam and I think he might be turning into a linebacker!

This past weekend Grandma and Grandpa Donat visited. Carson looooved being the center of attention and all the extra cuddles that he got. Adam and I loved the opportunity to eat breakfast together while they held him and we also were able to sneak out for a lunch date while Grandma and Grandpa babysat. We are looking forward to seeing them again in a few weeks when we venture down to their house in Waynesboro.
Yesterday, Adam's colleagues at the FDA threw Carson the greatest party! They were so generous and got Carson a new bouncer chair, a box of diapers (CLUTCH!!), so many adorable outfits (kid is going to be the most stylin' kid at daycare), and also a gift card to Babies-R-Us. It was such a great little party and Carson really turned on the charm for everyone. He loved being passed around and held by everyone. 

Here's your dose of baby spam!

Yeah, I'm cute

Chillin' out until Grandma and Grandpa get here

I woke Mommy up, but then decided I still wanted to sleep

My little chunker in his 3 month size onesie

All smiles!!! 

Mommy and Car

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Blogging and a Newborn

***I have no idea why half this blog is highlighted in white and I am too lazy to figure out how to fix it...sorry.***

So, yeah...blogging with a newborn is not as easy as I had hoped it would be. I think what made it even more difficult was that two weeks after Carson was born, Adam and I closed on our first house, and moved less than two weeks later. Whew! I must have been crazy. Carson is now 5 1/2 weeks old (WHAT!?!) and we moved in last week, so life is starting to get a little calmer. 

Carson is awesome! To see the changes in him day after day is so amazing. He is so attentive now and loves to look around at everything. He loves looking at Adam and me and makes the funniest faces. In the past week he's also started to get some babbles out. I think we're going to have quite the jabberer on our hands one day. Carson is getting great at tummy time and has so much neck strength already. He's great at holding his head up for extended periods of time.  His sleep patterns are also getting a bit better. He goes down around 9pm at night and will sleep for four hours. After a diaper change and midnight snack, he goes back down for 2-3 hours. After another diaper change and snack, I can generally get him back to sleep for another hour. Hopefully in the next few weeks we'll be able to get a solid 6 hours of sleep in. 

Carson is quite the eater and is putting on weight like a champ. At his 
pediatrician appointment the other week he weighed 8lbs, 10oz. That was a two pound gain in about 3 weeks. We have an appointment tomorrow and I'm anxious to see how much more he has gained. He also starts his immunizations tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to that...poor little man. On Friday I go to the doctor for my 6 week postpartum check-up. That means Saturday begins "Operation Get Pre-Pregnancy Body Back." I have about 7 lbs to go and LOTS of tightening up to do. I'm so excited to start working out again. 

I promise to be better at this blog now and write more coherently in the future. Until then, here is loads of picture spam!!! 

June 19th - the day we closed on our house

Carson - 1 month old! 

Tummy Time

Carson not liking photo time (5 weeks old)

Carson realizing he's cuter when he doesn't cry

Daddy and Carson time...adorable!